Simon Volpert gmipay / fa68177
Use string formatting instead of string concatenation in address generation This suppresses a linter warning Simon Volpert 3 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
195195 idx = read_state('xpub_index')
196196 idx = 0 if idx is None else int(idx[0]) + 1
197197 write_state('xpub_index', [str(idx)])
198 address = coinaddress.address_from_xpub(network='bitcoin_cash', xpub=xpub, path='0/'+str(idx)).replace('bitcoincash:', '')
198 address = coinaddress.address_from_xpub(network='bitcoin_cash', xpub=xpub, path=f'0/{idx}').replace('bitcoincash:', '')
199199 return address