# MiniPOS systemctl unit file
# To use as a system unit:
# 1. Place this file in /etc/systemd/system/
# 2. Add the path to your data directory to the end of "ExecStart="
# To use as a system unit with a secure per-user setup:
# 1. Place this file in /etc/systemd/system/
# 2. Create your data directory in $HOME/.minipos or in $HOME/.config/minipos
# 3. Uncomment and set the "User=" and "Group=" settings to your unprivileged
# MiniPOS user
# --OR--
# 3. Uncomment the "User=" and "Group=" settings and start the service as
# "systemctl start minipos@USER.service" where USER is your username
# To use as a user unit:
# 1. Place this file in $HOME/.config/systemd/user/
# 2. Add the path to your data directory to the end of "ExecStart="
# --OR--
# 2. Create your data directory in $HOME/.minipos or in $HOME/.config/minipos
# Once you are done, run "systemctl daemon-reload", "systemctl enable" and
# "systemctl start" as usual.