Simon Volpert zdoomrl / master zetashop / Monsters.acs

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// ZDoomRL - Gameplay Modifications for DoomRL Arsenal
// Author: Simon Volpert <>
// Project page:
// This program is free software, released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information

// Monster database
#define MONSTER_ID 0
#define MONSTERS 6 * 23
str MonsterDB[MONSTERS][1] = {
	// Former Human


	// Former Sergeant

	// Former Commando

	// Former Captain

	// Former Cyborg

	// Former Superiors

	// Imp

	// Demon

	// Spectre

	// Lost Soul

	// Cacodemon

	// Hell Knight

	// Baron of Hell

	// Arachnotron

	// Pain Elemental

	// Revenant

	// Mancubus

	// Arch-Vile

	// Cyberdemon

	// Spider Mastermind

	// Special Boss

	// Corrupted players