Contact Information
This site is available on Gemini.
Personal information is disclosed on a "care to know" basis: put simply, if you care enough, you know.
I can be best reached via Signal. You will need to figure out the correct number yourself. Truth to be told, it's not that hard.
Lower priority communications should go to my email as simon on this server. Messages coming from me are always signed with a PGP key with the ID
0xF76BA194. You are welcome to sign or encrypt your messages if you so choose, but it's not necessary to have the messages received. The previously used PGP key with the ID 0x5910CF33 has been depreciated as of 2020-07-29 and will never be used again.
You can add my public key to your keyring by executing the following command:
gpg --recv-keys F76BA194
I keep a microblog on a Pleroma federated social server at I am willing to provide accounts on this instance upon request, but i humbly ask that you respect my hospitality.
I am currently or was in the past active in the following communities (that i am willing to admit):
ChaosForge forums — Simon-v
ZDoom forums — Simon-v
I am no longer active in following communities:
BitcoinTalk forums
OpenXcom forums
Do not try to contact me there. You will not succeed.
I am responsible for a series of things, with varying levels of obscurity.
I sometimes write music. Some of it is actually good enough to publish.
- Doom the Roguelike: The Album (2010-2012) — My contribution to a game i happen to like.
- Aftermath (2014-202X) — The next project. The next level. Work in progress.
Software and Games
Occasionally, i make software, usually to satisfy a particular need of mine. A few of the more universally useful examples are published. The most significant of those are:
- gmitodo — A Gemini CGI script implementing shared task/to-do list functionality.
- gmipay — A Gemini CGI script implementing a payment processing proxy (paywall).
- bean-add — A tab-completing transaction entry assistant for beancount with an fdisk-like command prompt.
- fediscover — A user profile discovery tool for ActivityPub social servers.
- habitus — A statistics and trends calculator for Harsh.
- MiniPOS — A self-hosted, 0-confirmation, trustless Bitcoin Cash point-of-sale server. As since other, superior solutions have appeared, it is presently only interesting for educational purposes.
- addrwatch — A Bitcoin Cash address watcher and notifier.
- remailer — A PGP-enforcing newsletter implementation.
- tridenticon — A visual hash generator for generating visually appealing, milti-colored, immediately recognizable icons from arbitrary data.
- autorun-parts — A crude, deficient, bug-ridden reimplementation of cron (actually, a reverse task scheduler).
- ZDoomRL — A set of gameplay modifications for
DoomRL Arsenal
Mirrors of the repositories are kept at GitHub and
GitLab, though those are not guaranteed to always be up-to-date.
I sometimes write short stories. Some of them survive the test of time.
- The Act (sketch, 2008) — Woe is the Overly Talented Actor!
- Home (short story, 2005) — Every journey has its beginning and its end, and that end is the return home.
- The Primary Accused (short story, 2005) — Detective Jacob Smithers is assigned to a complicated murder case. As new evidence is discovered it becomes apparent that this case can not and will not have a simple solution. Who killed the woman in question? Where is the murderer hiding? What other crimes has he committed? And, most importantly, how much will it all cost the taxpayers?
- The Villain (short story, 2008) — This is not malice. This is not spite. This is not a grudge against the entire world. This is his job; And he does it well.
- Victim Rights (short story, 2019) — Any functional society depends on everyone doing their part. We aren't monsters, or anything; And Victim Rights aren't only there to protect those, who have become a victim.
- Endgame (short story, 2021) — On the edge of an unavoidable, devastating battle, among doubts and torment, the General asks his trusty Advisor for advice. But the advice he will receive will not be the one he had expected and hoped for. One thing is certain: the events of this battle will go down in history and will become the cornerstone of humanity's cultural legacy, the greatest epic of all time, even if not in a manner true to the source and without distortions.
- Дома (рассказ, 2005) — У каждого путешествия есть своё начало и свой конец; и конец этот есть возвращение домой.
- Рок (рассказ, 2005) — Через пустыни, через леса, через заброшенные города, к одной цели, одному назначению, одному концу, медленно, неизбежно, неумолимо. Это его судьба. Его предназначение. Его рок.
- Главный Обвиняемый (рассказ, 2005) — Детективу Джейкобу Смитерсу поручено весьма запутанное дело. По мере обнаружения новых улик становится ясно, что дело не может и не будет иметь простого решения. Кто убил женщину? Где убийца скрывается? Какие ещё преступления он совершил? И, что самое главное, во сколько это обойдётся налогоплательщикам?
- Злодей (рассказ, 2008) — Это не ненависть. Это не злоба. Это не затаённая обида на весь мир. Это его работа; И он делает её хорошо.
- Права Жертвы (рассказ, 2019) — Любое функциональное общество зависит от добросовестного исполнения каждым членом его обязанностей. Мы не какие-то там чудовища; А Права Жертвы не только покрывают непосредственные права того, кто уже стал ею.
- Светлая сторона (рассказ, 2007) — ...Но прежде всего и превыше всего, помните: во всём есть своя светлая сторона. Благодаря этому мы здесь, благодаря этому обеспечен уровень нашей жизни, и не дай вам Бог забыть об этом даже на мгновение!
- Финал (рассказ, 2021) — На краю неизбежной, разрушительной битвы, среди сомнений и терзаний, Генерал спрашивает совета у верного Советника. Но совет этот окажется не тем, который он ожидал и на который надеялся. Ясно одно: события этой битвы войдут в историю и станут основой культурного наследия человечества, величайшего эпоса всех времён, пусть и не дословно и не без искажений.